Foal video footage now online
Video footage is now online for many of the lots being offered at Toowoomba this weekend (18th July). Sires include: Jive Magic (imp), Regardez Moi (imp), Fiji R (imp), AEA Metallic (imp), Byalee Briar (imp), AEA Tuschinski (imp), Magritte (imp), Promise R and Jamaica's Run Rooster.
View this years Stallion DVD 2010/2011 now!
The brand new 2010/2011 Ryans Stallion DVD is now available for viewing. Regardez Moi, Jive Magic and Fiji R are all featured together of course with Heath & Rozzie Ryan.
The "leisure" sector of the horse industry!!
Below is my letter to Federal Minister for Agriculture, Tony Burke, regarding his recent statement of support for "voluntary EI vaccination". I think we need to make sure that the minister understands that our "lesiure" sector of the horse industry is not small and is certainly not insignificant.
Dear Minister Burke...
First AOS Auction 2010 - Boneo Park
Last year in a time of recession and just two weeks after the dreadful fires in Victoria we ran perhaps the most successful auction ever at the beautiful Boneo Park in Victoria which is home for the McNaught family. The indoor school and stables are architecturally designed and are simply magnificent and you have to see it to believe it.
Well here we go again!...
Free Masterclass at Boneo Park
The free Masterclass attracts an enormous cross-section of people. The Masterclass does reach up into the full blown Grand Prix levels, so in the crowd will be some of Australia's top riders who are very interested in the ideas and interpretations being used and expressed in the training of Regardez Moi and Jive Magic. Riding at these top levels is not a reflection of amazing riding skills (surprise, surprise) but rather a reflection of a well thought out and rationalized intellectual journey. So amazingly the more advanced a rider is the more interesting becomes the Masterclass!...
Regardez Moi and Jive Magic go Head-to-Head
There is definitely a tension here at Ryans and also an underlying excitement as the World Equestrian Games (WEG) looms up on the immediate horizon and perhaps more specifically the final selection trials for the Australian Dressage Team becomes imminent.
Jive Magic has been described on numerous occasions as the most powerful dressage horse in Australia. He does seem to be fantastically well received by the crowds and Rozzie is rapidly molding this power into harmony and her trademark technical execution. I think all of Australia is watching with fascination and wondering whether the final selection trials are going to be just a tad too early for Jive Magic or whether Rozzie will indeed prevail and then one of the current Grand Prix favorites is about to be relegated to reserve status. Definitely tension out there and the excitement that comes with the changing of the guard...
Heath - "Funny Looking Man"
Merry Christmas everybody. This is the January 2010 column and here we go into another monster year which will see the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky USA in August / September. At the time of this column being released in the news stands the WEG will be some 275 days away. WEG will be a serious focus and goal for most of the top Australian riders in the Olympic disciplines of show-jumping, eventing and dressage. Also at the World Equestrian Games will be four-in-hand driving, vaulting, reining, para-dressage and endurance...
Regardez Moi Breeding Packages
Some limited changes have occurred since the original draft of the Regardez Moi Breeding Package. The current Sales Terms and Additional Notes are detailed immediately below. For a specific explanation regarding the changes that have occurred since the original draft please click HERE...
Regardez Moi sets Tamworth on fire
Regardez Moi is in the middle of a very busy schedule on many fronts right now. On Friday 16th October we travelled to Tamworth to compete in a Fancy Dress Freestyle Competition which was being put on for the public by those producers extraordinaire - Heath Harris and Suzy Jarratt. To give this competition more scope many of the more conventional restrictions had been lifted and I felt that seeing as my music was from the Pirates of the Carribean that this theme would be relatively easy and fun to exploit. Working here with Rozzie and I at the Newcastle Equestrian Centre are two distinctive working pupil groups, one group that specialises in straight Dressage and the other group which specialises in Eventing and the odd weirdo that tries to do both!...
Toowoomba Auction Report
Last weekend August 15th/16th we here at Newcastle Equestrian Centre and threw ourselves at the Toowoomba AUCTION OF THE FUTURE STARS. It was to our great relief a rip roaring success! In these times of financial unrest and climate change we have worried that the market in horses for the Olympic disciplines would suffer. Seemingly not. On March 7th/8th of this year we had an auction in Victoria at Boneo Park on the Mornington Peninsula. That was just 4 weeks after Australia had been officially declared as being in recession...
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